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Emily Schorr, MSc
I have a longstanding interest in research in mental health, working in various positions since 2009. I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Queen’s University in 2012 and my Master’s of Science in Psychiatric Research with a specialization in Psychosis Studies from King’s College London, England in 2013. Upon completion of my graduate degree, I was offered a position as a research coordinator in Montreal, for an NIH funded project examining the differences in outcomes in first episode psychosis (FEP) patients in Canada and India. While working in Montreal I also worked in a clinical capacity with FEP patients, and developed a strong interest in early intervention work in particular with adolescents experiencing psychotic illnesses. For the past three and a half years I have been working as the program manager for the Integrated Concussion Research Program. In the Arnold Lab I will be focusing primarily on projects looking at mental health in emerging adulthood.
Publications: - Schorr E.M., Bacevice, A., Taylor, G.H., Bangert, B., Bigler, E.D., Cohen, D., Mihalov, L., Zumberge, N., Yeates, K.O. The Relationship Between Pre-Injury Internalizing Symptoms and Post- Concussive Symptoms in Children with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Orthopedic Injury. In preparation. - Schorr E.M., Wade, S., Taylor, G.H., Stancin, T., Yeates, K.O. Parenting Practices as a Moderator of Long-Term Psychosocial Outcomes after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Early Childhood. Disabil Rehabil. 2019 Apr 21:1-7. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1602676. - Gerald, J. MacDonald, K. Pope, M. Schorr, E.M., Malla, A. Iyer, S. Benefits people experience following a first episode of psychosis: A systematic review of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies. Psychiatr Serv. 2018 Jan 1;69(1):84-99. doi: 10.1176/ Epub 2017 Nov 1. - Xavier, S. Best, M. Schorr, E.M. Bowie, C. 'Neurocognition, Functional Competence, and Quality of Life in Psychometrically Defined Schizotypy. Cogn Neuropsychiatry. 2015;20(1):53-63. doi: 10.1080/13546805.2014.969419. Epub 2014 Oct 24. - Cunningham, CT., Sykes, L., Metcalfe, A., Cheng, A., Riaz, M., Lin, K., Schorr, E., Metcalfe, Campbell, R.C., Quan, H. Ethnicity and health literacy: A survey on hypertension knowledge among Canadian ethnic populations. Ethn Dis. 2014 Summer;24(3):276-82. |